18 November 2019
The chances of starting the game in dusk or dawn twilight has been decreased. Improved character control with bad connection. Added warning if connection is being disrupted.
Partnership Program
13 November 2019
It’s time to cook up a little something special for our Youtube and Twitch fans! Today, we are opening the Cuisine Royale Partnership Program for all those crazy and funky creators that want to feature our game and get a small bonus for their effort.
Server update 12.11.19
12 November 2019
Now vehicles have stopped doing somersaults and tripping over surrounding objects. Characters also no longer get stuck after exiting a vehicle.
11 November 2019
A bug which made it possible for players with very high ping to be able to move and do damage to enemies has been fixed.
6 November 2019
Respawn mechanics have been improved. Now if a player will be connected to an ongoing battle, their respawn point will be chosen closer to the first safe circle or even inside it. Annie “Pin-up” Ashley’s ability “Bullet Time” has been improved. Vehicle controlling has been improved.
31 October 2019
Hollows has a new appearance: better textures, glowing eyes. Mystic powers showing themselves in new ways (check the game to find out more). Every vehicle gets its own unique horn sound. A bug has been fixed where the flare case could not be brought into battle. Coin duplicator exploit has been fixed. Crashes on Radeon RX 5700XT have been fixed.
Updates -
30 October 2019
Twitching character animation caused by desynchronization has been fixed. Ritual of the “Zombie Apocalypse” has been reworked. Now at the end of battle it is active for 1 minute and not for 5 minutes. PPD 34/38 drum texture has been fixed.
For the Night is Dark and Full of Terror
29 October 2019
Gladiators of Cuisine Royale, you have faced a number of mystic perils, but in this event you will shiver! Halloween is coming and evil, residing on the Dark side, strives to enter our world.
Xbox update and bugfix (
15 October 2019
Long awaited juddering (wobbling) of sights in aiming mode has been fixed - you can now use optical scopes without any obstacles. And do not forget to use breath hold ability to steady aim even further! Also we have reduced starting radius on Mexico map 15% to create more intense battles.We will keep balancing it to create best experience.
14 October 2019
The number of vehicles spawning in the Mexico map has increased twofold. A vehicle is a necessity, not a luxury! Fixed a bug where a character could try to eat from the ground. It is not a healthy habit, so they shouldn't even try. Fixed a bug where Clyde could enter Beast mode without a changing animation or fighting properly. Fixed the appearance of the world in spectator camera, if before death, Ocelot activated his skill. Now in observer mode the world is displayed correctly, and not in the form of the world of spirits Removed limit of sinner souls received from underwear or talismans for jumping in seven-league boots. Fixed a bug where a character could enter battle with unsuitable items. Like Clyde wearing a Ocelotl talisman. Optimized the video memory usage in the game Slightly optimized RAM usage in the game. Fixed the wrong shape of shadows from ivy-bound trees.
10 October 2019
A bug that could cause the character in a moving vehicle could receive damage in the moment where they were switching driver position to the passenger seat. Adaptation to darkness has been improved. Now it is brighter in darker rooms. In the “Mexico” location, the number of anti-tank rifles has been reduced by half. Now the weight of the items much less affects the movement speed and the jump height of Clyde in Beast Mode.
Update “Age of Nagual”: unique Bullet Time, Fury of the Beast and a new Character
9 October 2019
Today we publish a major update for Cuisine Royale, it is time to reveal final important new features to come with it. We kept the really cool ones for today! At the end of the text you’ll find a full change log as usual.
Armory restocking
4 October 2019
Good day, dear experts in style and good weaponry! As you could have guessed, the major update of Cuisine Royale “Weird West: Age of Nagual” will bring you a number of new ingame items.
Cuisine Royale now with Ray Traced Global Illumination!
2 October 2019
Today we will talk about one of those additions, a very visually-pleasing technical innovation that will make the game even more stunning.
Greed Games
26 September 2019
Friends, we continue to introduce you to new features in the Cuisine Royale release version “Weird West: Age of Nagual”. In it, both in Mexico and Normandy you will be able to meet a new kind of bandit. The “one armed” types.​​​​​​​

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