Hot fajitos a-la Mexican
24 September 2019
Hi there! We continue to talk about the upcoming release of the Cuisine Royale. The first noticeable innovation - from now on you will not only be fighting in breezy Normandy but also in the hot jungles and sands of Mexico.
22 September 2019
A bug causing character twitching when V-Sync is active, has been fixed. The smoothness of character movements when ping is unstable has been improved.
It’s getting hot!
20 September 2019
Ready for new battles? Cuisine Royale version 1.0 is approaching release. We’ll tell more about all new stuff in there - and there is a lot to tell - in nearest news. But now rest assured: current game progress won’t be wiped and all active story books will remain valid!
19 September 2019
A bug which would cause boombox radio sounds to be heard at large distances has been fixed. A bug causing sound artefacts to be heard at large distances when players switched between radio stations on a boombox has been fixed.
10 September 2019
A bug allowing damage from your firearm to your squad member whilst sitting in a car has been fixed.
[Xbox] Update
10 September 2019
Weaponry, items, equipment, damage model, gameplay, interface, sound, new mechanics, graphic and animation.
6 September 2019
Fixed missing armor effect for US Assault Vest. Returned red color for hit marker. Browning Auto 5 now has single-shell reloading. Ricochet mechanics have been improved. Bullets with higher speed now have less chance of ricocheting. Added calculation for bullet spin and surface texture. Fixed wrong grenade count in UI. Added better animation for bolt-action rifle reload. Rounds and clips are now better positioned in the hand of a character.
6 September 2019
Performance problems which would occur when, in the graphics settings, the Ground Displacement field was set to ‘3’, have been fixed. A bug, where it was possible for two players to kill each other at the same time, has been fixed.
5 September 2019
A bug which would occur when climbing on obstacles has been fixed. The radius of opening doors has been reduced.
3 September 2019
Weaponry, items, equipment, damage model, gameplay, interface, sound, new mechanics, graphic and animation.
21 August 2019
Changes in the Orbital Fridge loot The chances of receiving a powerful weapon or Jetpack from the Orbital Fridge has been significantly increased; The chances of finding semi-auto rifles in the Orbital Fridge has been significantly lowered; Fixed a bug where you might receive a pair of Gewehr 43 rifles from the Orbital Fridge with no ammo; The Browning auto 5 will no longer be included in an Orbital Fridge drop.
Xbox: Flare event
15 August 2019
Every Xbox player will get one Flare Gun for free after playing their first battle each day from August 15 (14:00 GMT) till August 18 (14:00 GMT).
New packs for PC and Xbox players
8 August 2019
There are few new packs - Starter Pack, Advanced Pack, Elite Pack with “Weird West Stories book” available for players, which will give you access to ultra rare workshop items and other special items.
30 July 2019
The container with the Flare Gun now has a countdown timer which will display the time until it may be used again. A sound playing when marking an item on the map for your teammates has been added. The display of Win/Kill rating on the leaderboard has been changed. Now it is displayed as a fraction (rational) instead of a whole number (integer). A rare bug (“wrong number of parameters”) which appeared simultaneously with the inability to invite a player to the squad has been fixed.
18 July 2019
A bug where when trying to “compare achievements” with other players, instead of the achievement page of the selected player, a player’s own achievement page opens has been fixed. Selecting loot items by targeting them is now more accurate. Controllability when playing from a gamepad has been improved.

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