PS4 and XBOX Update (
10 February 2020
A bug where the player’s sight might twitch that occured when the option “Aim assist” was switched on, has been fixed.
Screenshot contest
7 February 2020
Upload your screenshot on your Facebook page or special screenshot channel on the official discord by writing your exact nickname and using the special hashtag #ShotCuisineRoyale in the comments of your creation.
New League System
5 February 2020
We have studied players’ feedback and decided to completely rework our League rating system.
3 February 2020
A bug that prevented a grenade from being thrown when controlling a gamepad has been fixed. The fire rate of the SVT has been increased.
29 January 2020
Eric is now immune to vehicle damage for 2 seconds after landing. Aiming at knocked team mate to revive him has been simplified.
Damage Model
24 January 2020
Cuisine Royale features many realistic weapon models and every bullet shot is subject to the strict laws of physics. We have published a number of weapons’ characteristics, and here is the guide to how the damage calculation works.
21 January 2020
In the lobby you can now see not only items from the workshop ready to be unlocked, but also items for which conditions are met but some consumables are still lacking. Fixed a bug causing the challenge progress message not to be visible in battle. Fixed bug preventing workshop pop-up window to be closed when going to the shop. A number of bug fixes in the non-battle UI.
Update (PS4 update has the number
20 January 2020
Car damage to teammates was significantly reduced. Fixed bug when hearts of teammates disappeared in the Dark zone. Added support for Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages in Steam client.
DUO mode for consoles
17 January 2020
After numerous requests from PS4 and Xbox players, “Duo” game mode has been added (you must restart the game to see it).
Update (PS4 update has the number
14 January 2020
A bug causing players to sink into ground textures has been fixed. A bug causing prone characters to shake has been fixed. The Boombox playlist has been updated. Now all soundtracks are copyright safe. While "Stream friendly" mode is active, it replaces audible boombox radio-streams and main menu music with copyright safe soundtracks.
10 January 2020
A bug causing sight shake has been fixed.
6 January 2020
A bug where the game character got stuck in bushes and moved through them jerkily has been fixed.
Cuisine Royale 2019 at a glance
27 December 2019
It’s and old tradition to analyze the results of a year in the last days of December, so we wanted to give you an overview of all the changes in our brutal last-man-standing shooter with magical realism setting - Cuisine Royale.
Stream-to-win: Get additional sinner souls in the battle! (PS4)
27 December 2019
Play Cuisine Royale with the stream feature enabled and get additional 10 sinner souls per minute of stream!
26 December 2019
Fixed voice chat for squads and duos. Added voice chat function for squads and duos started in “Squad is hiring” mode.

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