25 May 2020
The amount of T3 Armor that may be found as loot has been slightly increased. The amount of Infantry Mosina rifles that may be found as loot has been decreased. Ammo for machine guns is now marked as tracer rounds. The explosion pack has been added to Practice mode. The explosion pack has been added to Practice mode.
Server update 21.05.2020
21 May 2020
Fixed bug that allowed shooting without ammo depletion. Changed bonus of underwear and talismans giving souls for rituals in game. Now souls are credited only after the ritual is over and not credited if it was erased.
20 May 2020
Fixed unsynced soul counter whilst spectating. Fixed a bug, causing occasional micro freezes.
Update (PS4 -
20 May 2020
Fixed a bug where an incorrect and randomly changing soul count was displayed in the inventory during battle. Now you will be correctly moved to the current unlocked position when opening the Rewards window. Some disabled boombox radio broadcasts have been fixed.
14 May 2020
Tuned inertia whilst moving a Champion for better player convenience.
13 May 2020
A bug which would allow the equipping of two identical perks at the same time has been fixed. The helmet will no longer obstruct the player’s view while leaning with weapons which have a 3.5x night scope attached. The burning fire visual effect now disappears after Champions extinguish it. Dark Zone borders no longer render invisible in specific view angles.
8 May 2020
Armored ground vehicle players will not now receive excessive damage and injuries from friendly fire. You can now use hotkeys in the menu “Challenges rewards”. Fixed vulnerability of Ocelotl to fire when in Spirit walk. Fixed overlighting of street light glass while Sun eclipse is active.
“Heaven's Wrath” arrives in Cuisine Royale
6 May 2020
Cuisine Royale is pleased to present you with a new major which has rightly been named “Heaven's Wrath, and we are excited to now reveal to you the cool features and novelties that have been added to the game!
New weapons and customization items
4 May 2020
It’s time to reveal new weapons and items coming to the battlefields of Cuisine Royale in the near future!
New mystic signs and rituals
1 May 2020
We are preparing a new big update in our brutal mystical shooter, so it is time to reveal some of the new tactical features coming.
30 April 2020
Dark adaptation has been improved. A bug that reset control settings has been fixed. Fixed button for purchasing new Champions.
29 April 2020
Improved inclined ladder climbing animation. Champion now correctly grabs the crossbars and does not freeze at the end of the ladder. After exiting a moving vehicle, now a champion does not stop immediately, but is affected by inertia of the vehicle movement. Added animation when changing weapons in slots. Now resurrected players appear on ritual stones and not in the fire. Fixed camera zoom when entering a vehicle from targeting mode. Masks do not continue to highlight objects on the map after the player is killed. Fixed the wrong weapon position for players who entered a vehicle while reloading. In the seasonal rewards window, reward items effect animations have been added. Additional rewards in the seasonal rewards window now grouped by five. Increased speed when entering targeting mode. Decreased spread for pistols but increased recoil. Changed step sound when crossing mud or snow. Improved map opening animation. Mannequins in Practice mode are now vulnerable from the moment of entering the shooting range. Increased damage for anti-tank guns. Fixed bug allowing hits to a far standing enemy with the baseball bat when standing half turned to them. Fixed some bugs causing the game to crash. Improved game load speed.
27 April 2020
It is now not possible to enter a vehicle with a primed grenade - of course it isn’t safe. The display of unnecessary hints when firing from a stationary machine gun has been fixed. A bug where the vibration settings of a controller were not saved in the main menu has been fixed. A bug that prevented preview of items from the workshop being shown has been fixed.
Update PS4
23 April 2020
New damage model and various improvements.
14 April 2020
The ability to reconnect has been added to the game.

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