New combat mod Rocket Duet
4 December 2020
Only grenade launchers, mortars, grenades and other items to make bada-boom are in the loot! To increase mobility we have also added a lot of jetpacks around the map. Explosive mid-short range combat and lots of fun when occasionally blowing yourself up is guaranteed...
4 December 2020
Squad maximum number increased to 5 players. Zombies from Louis “Bokor” Celine now make less sound when not engaged in battle.
CRSED - Cuisine Royale: Second Edition. Reincarnation
3 December 2020
The new season of our brutal last-man-standing shooter, “Reincarnation”, changes everything! With the full game reboot comes a new name. A competition awaits, full of bloodshed, promising the fulfillment of all of the winners’ desires. Cuisine Royale is over, and now, it’s time for Cuisine Royale Second Edition - CRSED: F.O.A.D.*
New Melee
1 December 2020
Overall, all melee weapons will now get individual settings for damage, speed of the swing, hit distance and efficiency against armor.
Speed up your shooting
25 November 2020
In the new season of Cuisine Royale, transport becomes more useful and far more dangerous. Especially if you fight in squads. Now passengers in vehicles and boats will be able to shoot almost any kind of weapon whilst on the move!
23 November 2020
A bug where an incorrect ammunition consumption while shooting was present sometimes has been fixed.
Unlocking Heroes, Items and Abilities. Special Challenges
16 November 2020
With the upcoming global Update, we are changing the system of unlocking new rituals, traps, signs, hex bag recipes and customisation items. We have also fully reworked the way you gain access to Heroes for temporary and permanent usage.
New Champion Powers
13 November 2020
The upcoming major update will bring completely new abilities and items that will make battles even more intense.
Shoot his pumpkin off
29 October 2020
Twilight comes to Cuisine Royale - so it’s time to smash pumpkins! From October 29th until November 5th take part in especially gloomy fights and get a unique hat for your collection!
29 October 2020
A vulnerability that allows firing without ammunition consumption has been fixed.
New combat modes in Cuisine Royale events
23 October 2020
The new type of events will be regularly launched in Cuisine Royale and during those events all rules and conditions for battles might change. Available loot, Dark Zone size and behavior, number of players, and other rules and mechanics - all can vary.
22 October 2020
A bug where Erik was able to fly at long ranges in the special ability “Thunder Strike” has been fixed.
The first rewards for participation in the leagues
8 October 2020
The first rewards for participation in the leagues is ready and waiting for you in the game. From 15:00 GMT on the 8th of October until the 15th of October you will receive a reward corresponding to the league you are participating in.
8 October 2020
A bug where grenade launchers sometimes caused no damage has been fixed.
New Leagues event and extension of reward season
1 October 2020
Today marks the start of a new event in Cuisine Royale! Accompanying the new Leagues leaderboard season are epic rewards, so now is the time to go for them! At the end of the Leagues season, the best players will be awarded and each winner will receive not only the maximum prize for their achieved level, but also all prizes from the lower levels. The top rewards will be calculated irrelevant of the game mode, so you can play solo, duo or squads - the choice is yours.

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