5 March 2020
The heart of your teammates will be now picked up to your inventory without taking into account the weight of it (the heart) even if your inventory is full. A bug where using the linked portal trap created no sound of portal activation and exiting from it has been fixed. A bug where there were no sounds when activating zombie and grenade traps (smoke and HE grenades) has been fixed. A bug where in some cases the magazine disappeared when unloading weapons has been fixed.
Server update 04.03.2020
4 March 2020
Lowered prices in Royal Bucks for unlocks in the Workshop. For items and signs added to the tree before the ‘Age of Nagual’ update, they are lowered by 50% in total, for items and signs introduced in the ‘Age of Nagual’ update, lowered by 25% in total. Maximum player level increased to 300.
3 March 2020
Fixed bug making Valentine jump after each flickering step if wearing Bouncing slippers Fixed bug where after suicide of a knocked down or wounded by an enemy player who damaged them, they didn’t recieve the kill and souls. Fixed wrong numbers appearance of Champion unlock in premium reward tree. Fixed bug making players to some time go into knocked down state instead of dying in solo mode.
Screenshot contest results
2 March 2020
Now it is time to announce the winners of the February contest.
28 February 2020
You can now use the Tab button to “tab” through the contacts menu. Fixed a bug where rating changes were not shown in debriefing after DUO battle.
Update XBOX - ‘Black Sun’
28 February 2020
We are pleased to present the major update “Black Sun” for XBOX ONE! So, meet Valentine ‘Viper’ Chase.
28 February 2020
A bug which would result in players falling into and getting stuck in trees has been fixed. A bug which would make it difficult to swim through windows has been fixed. Bolt-action rifles will now show a hint while aiming through the scope, advising that you can hold down the shoot button to prevent the bolt-action cycle. The incorrect rate of fire of the Mauser C26 Mod 712 has been fixed.
Update PS4 -
27 February 2020
Distorted sound on some rifles when firing has been fixed. A bug that caused added friends being displayed in game only after restarting has been fixed.
Cuisine Royale major update ‘Black Sun’
26 February 2020
We are pleased to present the major update “Black Sun” for Cuisine Royale. You already know about new rituals and weapons, tasks and rating model. And here is the top story - new Champion will join the fight in our brutal survival games. So, meet Valentine ‘Viper’ Chase.
Update PS4 -, XBOX -
26 February 2020
Practice range is now in game to train your weapons and abilities, a lot of new animations, more optimization, useful features and hints.
21 February 2020
Fixed a bug where Practice mode was unavailable. Fixed bug causing weapon and sights to disappear on screenshots taken in first person view. Increased buff in HP for Eric during flight in Thunderstrike ability. Lowered decrease in spread and recoil while shooting in Bullet Time for Annie. Somewhat lowered distance of target highlighting in Bullet Time for Annie. Increased cost in sinner souls with Bullet Time ability for Annie to 100 souls. Lowered cost in sinner souls with Beast ability for Clyde to 80 souls. Lowered cost in sinner souls with Spirit Walk ability for Ocelotl to 70 souls. Fixed bazooka launcher reload and run animation. Fixed bug with receiving damage during jumps after player has been revived (squad and duo modes). Fixed bug with levitating grenades in practice mode. Fix for rare case of client crash. Fix for controller navigation with combobox.
Update of the daily tasks system
21 February 2020
It is the right time to make the system of daily tasks more useful and diverse! That’s why in the upcoming major update “Weird West: Black Sun” you will get brand new missions and prizes.
20 February 2020
Practice range is now in game to train your weapons and abilities, a lot of new animations, more optimization, useful features and hints.
PS4 and XBOX Update (
13 February 2020
A bug which would prevent proper target acquisition while using aim assist has been fixed.
New rituals, weapons and a shooting range
12 February 2020
Fighters, we start to disclose the content in the new major update of Cuisine Royale

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