25 December 2019
A bug causing grenade trajectory and animation to be hidden after being revived has been fixed. • Soul costs for mystic traps has been reduced. • An issue with Eric's thunderstrike ability where after landing looking around was limited has been fixed. • A list of items available to craft from the workshop is now shown on main lobby screen. • SCAR-L-STD and M4A1 have been swapped in looting scheme. Now the M4A1 is found in regular loot, and SCAR-L-STD is found in Orbital and Tactical fridges.
Snow Maiden
24 December 2019
You can find Snow Maiden suit for Annie in the in-game shop for golden crowns!
23 December 2019
Fixed a bug that caused the display of the current league requirements instead of the amount of rating required to enter the next league. Added hints about revival. Now when you or your squad member dies, hints are displayed to inform both the dead player and their living teammates about option to revive / be revived. Snow effects are optimized. Fixed a bug where the cursor might keep moving after gamepad plug in (with deadzone set to 20%).
20 December 2019
Added “Streamer boombox mode” which can be switched on in the “sound” settings. It replaces music from any boombox in the battle with “Techno dinner” and changes also music in the lobby. This will allow streamers to avoid monetization issues and copyright claims.
18 December 2019
Changes in Eric’s ability ‘Thunderstrike’: Heart of a teammate drops separately from other loot for more convenient looting in a rush. Fixed some game crashes when the squad is being set to ready state for battle.
Release update of Cuisine Royale for Xbox and PS4
18 December 2019
Friends, brutal realistic last-man-standing shooter with mystic elements Cuisine Royale is now available on Xbox and PS4 consoles!
18 December 2019
Interface, controls, other improvements and changes.
13 December 2019
Loading screens when loading into a battle have been added, replacing the previous ‘sky’ animation. A yellow marker, which marks when an enemy has been downed/is bleeding out, has been added. The amount of time that the ‘heart’ icon showing the location of downed squadmates is visible has been changed from 20 to 120 seconds. Shadows have been improved.
Cuisine Royale Release: Path to Valhalla
12 December 2019
Today our brutal and mystical last-man-standing shooter is finally released, ending the beta stage! We’ve already told you about the new items arriving, the new version of the Normandy map, the arrival of tactical medicine and the new resurrection system coming with the release, but there’s more!
Winter has come
9 December 2019
Winter has come to Normandy, and from now on, you will have to adapt your survival skills to make it through the snow. The once familiar landscape has changed, and it won’t be as easy to conceal yourself on the snowy surface.
6 December 2019
We continue to prepare for the next major update for Cuisine Royale. Before being able to enjoy new content we will release a patch containing a lot of bug fixes and improvements.
Modern weaponry and new mystic seals in Cuisine Royale
3 December 2019
Soon our brutal online last-man-standing shooter will get a new content update and today we would like to present some of it: new weapons and items that will be introduced.
Cuisine Royale is now available for everyone on PS4
3 December 2019
Good news for PlayStation 4 players. Everyone can now play Cuisine Royale for free and PlayStation Plus subscribers will receive additional bonuses in the game.
25 November 2019
A bug has been fixed where squad members could spawn at extended distances from each other.
Cuisine Royale now on Playstation 4!
19 November 2019
After a considerable amount of hard work, we are now pleased to announce that Cuisine Royal, the brutal multiplayer last-man-standing shooter with realistic weaponry, mystic traps and demonic rituals, is coming to PlayStation® 4, ready to be tested and played from the 19th of November!

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