A bug where the player/character model was frozen in the sitting position or could soar in the air for a time when moving from obstacles by pressing the "jump" button has been fixed.
A daring crime was committed last night. Mr. Mullikan and Mrs. Ashley were completely devoid of their bodies. It is unknown who stole the flesh of our heroes and replaced them with mannequins, and what purpose they were pursuing is also unknown. The sheriff won’t comment on the situation, but has begun to gather rangers in a search.
Clyde ”Dozen” Mullican has discovered a few new personalities. This time around, these personalities will be voiced by Gromek999, Vicio, Димa Масленников, oblomoff and Тимур Сидельников. You can choose and listen to each of Clyde’s different voices in the "Customization" menu.
Smoke grenades added. An option to switch grenade type has been added (“5” by default). It is now possible to show an item to your teammates (“arrow left” by default).