Time to Swap Champions: Itz and Clyde!
27 April 2021
Until the 4th of May, you can choose between 2 heroes: Itz Ocelotl and Clyde “Dozen” Mullican.
27 April 2021
After the ability has been activated, Katrina’s HP is temporarily increased by 15 points. The armour value of stones has been increased. Added visual effects when the stone armour is hit. Obstacles can now be climbed while the ability is active.
Rock it!
26 April 2021
The Rock Lady Katrina doesn't like to walk around in her Default outfit for long, so she brought along a lot of cool staff.
26 April 2021
Sonar now does not beep whilst laying on the ground or in a fridge. The incorrect functionality regarding enemy and location unmarking has been fixed.
Update (
23 April 2021
Changes to Katrina Matadi’s ‘Bastion’ ability.
CRSED: F.O.A.D.: play without a subscription!
22 April 2021
From now on, you won’t need an active Xbox Live Gold subscription to play CRSED: F.O.A.D. (including online modes). 
21 April 2021
The correct icon is now displayed in the kill-log after Katrina kills whilst using her active ability. The occasional visual glitch with the Annie model has been fixed. Bug with picking up and attaching the Defibrillator has been fixed.
Meet the new season ‘Rock Solid’ and a new champion Katrina Update
20 April 2021
Welcome to the new season and the ‘Rock Solid’ major update in CRSED: F.O.A.D.!
New Spirit Guardians and Customization Items
20 April 2021
A New Season and the “Rock Solid” Major update will be live in CRSED: F.O.A.D. tomorrow! What should one wear in the new season?
Tournament leaderboards
19 April 2021
There are no more whistling bullets, defibrillator buzzing and no falling fridges all over the battlefield…
New Traps and Abilities
16 April 2021
The walking dead are not nearly as dangerous as this evil monster. It has no master and only one goal - to take your life.
The first CRSED: F.O.A.D. tournament!
15 April 2021
Put on your armour ladies and gentlemen. It's about to become a real massacre out here! Welcome to the first official tournament with a super-sized prize pool!
New weapons and items
14 April 2021
The CRSED's champions arsenal continues to grow. That means more kills to come! Take a look at what we have in store for the new season.
Time to Swap Champions: Erik and Clyde
13 April 2021
Until the 20th of April you can choose between 2 heroes: Erik “Torden” Thorson and Clyde “Dozen” Mullican!
x2 experience in the game
13 April 2021
We are preparing the big season update and while you wait - we have switched on a 2x experience multiplier until the end of the season.

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