Update Update
27 August 2021
Recoil has been reduced for all pistols. Damage for 7.92x57 mm and 7.62x54 mm semi-auto rifles has been lowered from 15 to 12 (this will affect FG 42, Gewehr 43, AVS 36, SVT 40).
A new level of CRSED graphics with DirectX 12! Development
26 August 2021
Be the first to enjoy the beauty of CRSED with DX12!
Update Update
24 August 2021
Grenade can no longer be thrown while Ocelot's ability is active. Fixed unsynchronized display of Jetpack fuel in Spectator mode. Fixed the ability to rotate the camera 360° for passengers in the boat in first-person view. Fixed lack of collision with the character on the floating boat.
20 August 2021
Fixed respawn points in the Mexico map where the hero received damage from falling.
Update Update
19 August 2021
A bug that caused the camera to shift when switching to first person view, which interfered with aiming has been fixed.
Renaissance comes to the CRSED: F.O.A.D. battlefields Event
17 August 2021
In the “Revenant!” solo event, a player who has 100 or more sinner souls will be automatically resurrected at the random bonfire within a safe circle in exactly the same way it happens in squad mode if saved by your teammates. It’s a nice chance to loot again and avenge your killer! Also it will make battles more intense.
Update Update
17 August 2021
A bug that caused large bushes to fall to the ground after interacting with a character has been fixed
Looting revision and 2 x EXP Development
13 August 2021
Take on some cool changes as well as some killer new features capable of doing impressive damage with a single shot!
Update Update
13 August 2021
From 18.00 GMT on the 13th of August until 08.00 GMT on the 16th of August in all game modes, x2 experience has been enabled.
Update Update
12 August 2021
Looting has been improved. Text appearing over items will now be visible by default with the option to remove it. The size of the text itself has been decreased.
Update (XBOX — Update
11 August 2021
The number of weapons in missions has been increased. The observer in spectator mode can place markers using the map. Added a message about a victory for the crown holder.
Update Update
9 August 2021
The regular crosshair has been switched back on for stationary machine guns. The chances of finding all variants of small arms has been increased and the chance to find pistols has been decreased.
Update Update
6 August 2021
The amount of damage received by the Crown bearer while in the Dark Zone during the ‘Game of Crowns’ mode has been increased. A bug which caused weapons not to unlock in Practice mode, if found in battle, has been fixed (you will need to find locked weapons again).
Automatic starting zone size change Development
5 August 2021
In the recent major update, we released an additional feature in the battle session control, we didn't disclose the details at the time, but was already gladly noted by the more attentive players. 
Update Update
5 August 2021
A bug that allowed the changing of an already completed task has been fixed.

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