Update Update
29 October 2021
The fuel bar of the jetpack will now be hidden during the “Ghost Jetpack” ritual. Camera behavior when trying to change your position in a vehicle, while also attempting to exit the vehicle at the same time, has been fixed. Armoured vehicles will now explode, rather than burn for eternity.
Shoot them in the head! Event
26 October 2021
This is Halloween, which means brains are in high demand! Sharpen your machete and get into battle with the jackass zombies.
Update ( - Xbox, - Playstation) Update
25 October 2021
Increased the amount of loot in some missions. Improved the scattering of loot when Heroes die. Now meteor shower areas during the ritual can move. Added camera shake when smashing windows with your body. Added the ability to switch the camera position in third-person view to the left and right in relation to the character. In control settings, you can assign a separate key to switch the camera position.
Server Update 19.10.21 Update
19 October 2021
A bug that caused bots to appear in the team game modes “Duo” and “Squad” on the PC version has been fixed. Game session start conditions for “Duo” game mode on the PC have been changed. A minimum of 6 players will be required to start a battle and the waiting time in the queue depends on their current number. If there are 6 players in the queue it will be 180 seconds but if there are more players - the battle will start faster. Game session start conditions for “Squad” game mode on the PC have been changed. A minimum of 10 players will be required to start a battle and the waiting time in the queue depends on their current number. If there are 10 players in the queue it will be 300 seconds but if there are more players - the battle will start faster.
Game mode Game Of Crowns
12 October 2021
A special “Game Of Crowns” mode will be activated in the game today at 13:00 GMT!
Team brawl: destroy the enemy at all costs!
28 September 2021
Join a dynamic 15vs15 battle on a compact map in the new game mode “Team brawl”.
Update Update
23 September 2021
In "Airborne assault force" mode, players are immortal at the beginning of the match until they get out of their vehicles.
Update Update
7 September 2021
Reworked how the vehicle armor works in the game.
Gun Game - Shoot as much as you want! Development
1 September 2021
Fighters, a new, special ‘Gun Game’ mode will be added to the game today, with some particularly unique rules!
Update Update
1 September 2021
Fixed armor for Luftvärnsterrängdragbil M40, not allowing to hit those inside.
Update Update
27 August 2021
Recoil has been reduced for all pistols. Damage for 7.92x57 mm and 7.62x54 mm semi-auto rifles has been lowered from 15 to 12 (this will affect FG 42, Gewehr 43, AVS 36, SVT 40).
A new level of CRSED graphics with DirectX 12! Development
26 August 2021
Be the first to enjoy the beauty of CRSED with DX12!
Update Update
24 August 2021
Grenade can no longer be thrown while Ocelot's ability is active. Fixed unsynchronized display of Jetpack fuel in Spectator mode. Fixed the ability to rotate the camera 360° for passengers in the boat in first-person view. Fixed lack of collision with the character on the floating boat.
20 August 2021
Fixed respawn points in the Mexico map where the hero received damage from falling.
Update Update
19 August 2021
A bug that caused the camera to shift when switching to first person view, which interfered with aiming has been fixed.

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