
Hello everybody!
And welcome to the updated version of Cuisine Royale!
Now you can request a personal fridge drop in the middle of a battle to get rare weapons and items. Obtain a flare gun to request the cargo from orbit. But beware: your loot can end up in the hands of your enemies! Also, gravestones and underwear now come with handy bonuses. Take your time to look at them closely. Naturally, all underwear is fully compatible with your favourite costumes, so no rush to change clothes. And last, but surely not least - The Jetpack is now back in the game! Those of you who managed to enjoy it in our April 1st event have asked about it rather often. Players with weaker computers would benefit from new low graphics settings.
Now with more details.
Flare Gun
Shoot a flare to the sky to summon an orbital fridge with rare weapons and valuable loot inside, but beware - your enemies will see your flare and most likely try to steal your loot!
Start a battle with a sealed container that contains a flare gun with one flare. If you want to save the flare gun for another battle, do not open the container.
Graphics, Interface, Physics and Optimisation
- New graphics setting are now available:
- Option to switch off high quality effects and leave only low quality on to improve performance.
- Improved blood splashes when wounded. Now it better indicates the direction from which the damage came from.
- Added function to erase sprays of other players.
- Fixed a bug where some costumes hats resulted in obscuring vision in the first-person mode while walking or running.
- Fixed a bug when equipped items were not visible for other squad members.
- Fixed a bug where the grenade throw animation was corrupted for spectators.
- Fixed a bug when installed scopes levitated above the weapon.
- Improved animation and behavior while pulling up. Now a character will not spend so much time reaching for a grip after jumping.
- Changed markers of hit and kill. Hit markers are now linked to aim and kill markers have been replaced with red skull sign.
- Improved shadow borders.
- Improved shadows on weapons while aiming.
- Fixed behavior of bags and other dynamic wearable items. Now they will rotate less and bags will not obscure vision as much while in first-person mode.
- Improved Hollow animations. And we will keep improving them.
- Improved reloading animation for M30. Luftwaffe Drilling.
- Added country flag for internet radio in BoomBox.
- Stationary machine guns now fall from their stands when destroyed.
Arms and Equipment
- Jetpacks are now back in game! Fly as you like, but be careful - your fuel amount is limited and will not replenish in a battle. Can be looted only in Orbital Fridges (called by Flare Gun).
- Changed recoil model of most weapons based on new mathematics model.
- Slowering trap now also slows down grenade fuse.
- Aiming mechanics improved radically. Now it will be much easier to aim and keep aiming at your enemy, no need to wrestle with control delay.
- Improved sight and rear sight coupling. Now you will shoot with better precision!
Additional source of souls for wearer
- “Tex-Mex" boxer shorts: Get 3 souls for each 10 jumps whilst using bunny slippers of bounce. Maximum soul balance is now set to 300. All incoming souls above that number will be lost.
- White "Muerte" panties: Get 3 souls for each 10 jumps whilst using bunny slippers of bounce. Your maximum soul balance is now set to 300. All incoming souls above that number will be lost.
- Black and white "Muerte" boxer shorts: Get 10 souls for each 10 jumps whilst using bunny slippers of bounce. Your maximum soul balance is now set to 300. All incoming souls above that number will be lost.
- "Desert" panties: Get 10 souls for each 10 jumps whilst using bunny slippers of bounce. Your maximum soul balance is now set to 300. All incoming souls above that number will be lost.
- "Jarabe" boxer shorts: Get 2 souls for each meal.
- Purple "Mexico" panties: Get 2 souls for each meal.
- Blue "Mexico" boxer shorts: Get 5 souls for each meal.
- "Skeleton" panties: Get 5 souls for each meal.
- "Skeletons" boxer shorts: All Weird West mystic traps are 10% cheaper.
- "Jarabe" panties: All Weird West mystic traps are 10% cheaper.
- Grey "Muerte" boxer shorts: All Weird West mystic traps are 30% cheaper.
- "Party" panties: All Weird West mystic traps are 30% cheaper.
- Black "Mexico" boxer shorts: Get 10 souls for each ritual that has started in the battle. This includes both rituals started by you and those started by other players.
- "Tequila" panties: Get 10 souls for each ritual that has started in the battle.This includes both rituals started by you and those started by other players.
- "Muerte" boxer shorts: Get 25 souls for each ritual that has started in the battle. This includes both rituals started by you and those started by other players.
- Red "Mexico" panties: Get 25 souls for each ritual that has started in the battle. This includes both rituals started by you and those started by other players.
- White "Mexico" boxer shorts: Get 4 souls for each 60 seconds spent in battle.
- Brown "Mexico" panties: Get 4 souls for each 60 seconds spent in battle.
- Black "Muerte" panties: Get 6 souls for each 60 seconds spent in battle.
- "Desert" boxer shorts: Get 12 souls for each 60 seconds spent in battle.
- "Royale" boxer shorts: Get 12 souls for each 60 seconds spent in battle.
- "Maracas" panties: Get 12 souls for each 60 seconds spent in battle.
Transfer some of the unspent souls after your death into a new battle and prevent your killer from the immediate theft of your souls - until the gravestone is destroyed. The player who destroys the gravestone gets the souls - not necessarily the killer.
- "Cow Skull" gravestone: start a new battle with up to 100 souls if you died in the last one with unspent souls. This gravestone saves 35% (but maximum 100) of souls from the soul balance you had at the moment of death for the next battle. It also withholds 70% of souls from the kill reward until the gravestone is destroyed.
- "Gallows" gravestone: start a new battle with up to 100 souls if you died in the last one with unspent souls. This gravestone saves 35% (but maximum 100) of souls from the soul balance you had at the moment of death for the next battle. It also withholds 70% of souls from the kill reward until the gravestone is destroyed.
- "Cactus" gravestone: start a new battle with up to 50 souls if you died in the last one with unspent souls. This gravestone saves 50% (but maximum 50) of souls from the soul balance you had at the moment of death for the next battle. It also withholds 30% of souls from the kill reward until the gravestone is destroyed.
Other fixes
- Number of Client crashes fixed.
- Fixed bug when enemy could not be marked.
- Improved network traffic consumption.
Server Update 28.06.19
- A bug where the boxers which accrued souls for time spent in the battle continued to do so after the character died has been fixed. Bonus “souls for every 60 seconds spent in the battle” will be given by using the following boxers or panties: white “Mexico”, brown “Mexico”, black “Muerte”, “Desert”, “Royale” and “Maracas”.
- Recovery time for jump bonus in the rabbit slippers and in the following magic shorts/pants has been increased: "Tex-Mex", white “Muerte”, black and white “Muerte” and “Desert”. The soul award will now be given no more than once every 20 seconds.
- A bug where some boxers and panties (Black "Mexico" boxer shorts, "Tequila" panties, "Muerte" boxer shorts and Red "Mexico" panties) gave souls for each ritual that was started in the battle (even after the character died) has been fixed.
- A bug where the tombstone carried the souls into the next battle if the players didn’t die (won the battle) has been fixed.
- A bug which caused performance drop when the character was near the tombstone “Gallows” has been fixed.
- A bug which prevented shooting through a machine gun slot in the bunker in L'Eglise has been fixed.
- Fixed indestructible "Cow Skull" gravestone.
- Changed Ritual of fast run and its catalyzed version: It now affects sprint speed instead of overall movement speed.
- Full control settings with the possibility of reassigning keys has been added to the game.
- A bug where vertical pointing of the weapon movement appears laggy has been fixed.
- We will continue to work on the improvement of targeting and aiming and work on the bug which sometimes blocks control when throwing a grenade.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. Cuisine Royale is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.