Update 05.06.2019 | XBox

- The display of different grenade types in the player’s inventory has been added.
- The radial menu has been improved:
- Tabs have been added.
- A previous selection in the menu will be saved.
- The menu will be automatically closed after the activation of a selected action.
- You can aim whilst the menu is open.
- Quick messages have been added.
- Boombox control has been moved into a separate tab. A “previous song” button has been added.
- The width of the health bar will now correctly relate to the amount of health a player has, cigars will visually increase the health bar.
- A bug where the player’s character would get stuck on a tombstone if the character stayed in the same place simultaneously with the tombstone’s appearance has been fixed.
- Damage caused by vehicles has been fixed. It is now possible to kill an enemy just by driving over them. It is also possible to kill yourself by crashing into walls when driving with enough speed.
- A bug which would occur to solo players (those not in squad mode) where the player’s character would shout that they are reloading their weaponry has been fixed.
- A bug with the animation of a character’s hands when reloading while running has been fixed.
- Camera shake while travelling in a car has been removed.
- A bug where the weapon reload and object lifting animations would play simultaneously has been fixed. Also, characters can no longer lift weapons just by using their mental abilities.
- A bug where cars would show strong exhaust effects after players had left them has been fixed.
- Up to three sprays can now be used in combat
- A bug with the notification "cannot iterate null" by entering a car has been fixed.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. Cuisine Royale is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.