New popular video bloggers in the game
Clyde ”Dozen” Mullican has discovered a few new personalities. This time around, these personalities will be voiced by Gromek999, Vicio, Димa Масленников, oblomoff and Тимур Сидельников.
You can choose and listen to each of Clyde’s different voices in the "Customization" menu.
Clyde received his nickname thanks to all of the “multiple personalities” he acquired as a result of a mental disorder. Players have already had the opportunity to meet some of them, such as a mobster, a mexican artist, and even a ruthless “Beast” (well-known for his close-combat machete skills).
Now, after taking part in fights for survival for over 6 months, Clyde has discovered a few new personalities. Each one is unique, but still, there are some qualities which they share - they all enjoy the show, and they are all video-bloggers! Clyde will comment on everything that happens on the battlefield. Will it be a lucky shot, or a sudden lull? He also has some special things to say in cases of high circumstantial coincidence, such as striking a bullet elsewhere with a pan.