Battle Pass and other changes

A new Battle Pass season is coming up, so it's time to talk about the new features, game update plans, and improvements.
Future major update
We continue to work on the major CRSED update. We thoroughly read your feedback and suggestions and decided this time to focus on improving the existing game mechanics, improving the interface and usability of the gameplay, as well as take a look at game balance.
There is a long list of improvements in progress, so for now the update is scheduled for the 20th of July, 2021, when the new Battle Pass season begins. Until then we will publish periodic devblogs to keep you informed of any upcoming changes.
Battle Pass
The new season's battle pass rewards include, in addition to the familiar Sinner's Souls, scrolls, golden crowns and more, wonderful new costumes for Annie and Clyde, a series of masks, talismans and gravestones, and boxers.
“Back in Time” mode

Also, starting today, the“Back in Time” mode will also be put into squad mode, by popular demand from players, and extended until the 6th of July 2021.
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