Shoot his pumpkin off

Twilight comes to Cuisine Royale - so it’s time to smash pumpkins! From October 29th until November 5th take part in especially gloomy fights and get a unique hat for your collection!
All fights during these days will be in either twilight or night, full of terror and surprises. Time to use flares and lights, look out for cigars glowing in the dark and hold your nerve while spirits try to ambush you.
During the event you can also buy a special reward chest for golden crowns in the in-game shop. Here you might get some mystic scrolls to summon zombies or darkness. Also that chest can reward you with a special hat - the infamous jack-o’lantern helmet! You are guaranteed to get it from one of the first 15 chests opened.
Also, as per your previous requests, we have made the darkness of night much more easy to navigate by making near objects highly seen even in the worst lightning conditions. So go for it, smash some pumpkins!