New League System

Survival masters of Cuisine Royale!
We have studied players’ feedback and decided to completely rework our League rating system. Our core goals are:
- To make the rating calculation more transparent and show the dependency of their key statistics (killings, average place in battles, the number of battles) and their position in the League;
- To ensure that not only survival skills affect rating position, but also overall combat efficiency and experience.
Starting from the new League season we are abolishing the Elo system, since it caused many questions from our players. The new formula of player rating will consist of three major metrics: win rating, kill rating and battle rating with different weight modifiers. Also, until a player plays a minimum number of battles in the League season, their stats for the difference in that amount will be considered to be minimal.
Win rating, the same as existing average relative place metric, will be calculated from the overall battle count and a place taken in each of them by the player or his team. Naturally, we will calculate into the formula the number of players in each battle to fairly judge each battle difficulty.
Kill rating will be calculated from the overall amount of enemies killed in the season and the number of battles played.
The battle rating is drawn from the overall number of battles played by the player.
As before, Leagues will be separated in Solo, Duo and Squad tables. And at the beginning of a new season players will be placed in the leagues according to their stats taken from the end of the previous season. If they didn’t play enough battles in the previous season, their allocated league will be downgraded. As, on this occasion, we are changing the system drastically, all player stats for the previous season will be wiped and you will start progress from the zero.
So, from now on we hope to see the most active and experienced players and squads in the top positions, will be worth learning from in mastering the art of a battle.