Cuisine Royale 2019 at a glance
It’s and old tradition to analyze the results of a year in the last days of December, so we wanted to give you an overview of all the changes in our brutal last-man-standing shooter with magical realism setting - Cuisine Royale.
Mystic traps and rituals
In May game had an influx of mysticism. By killing opponents, players now collects sinner souls, used to start mystic rituals and set up traps. For example, you can start a zombie apocalypse, set a slow-down trap, change the laws of physics and change the whole game experience at once: lower gravity or a stoneskin game feels very different. Many players commented that this mystic aspect made Cuisine Royale stand out from the crowd of other shooters.
In October player characters received unique abilities. Now you can select a character to match your own game style. Fox example, Annie can enter Bullet Time mode - an excellent choice for long and mid-range sniping. Clyde’s Beast will fit those who love to eradicate enemies in close quarters.

Two new champions
Since every character abilities are unique, every newcomer adds to the Cuisine Royale tactical diversity. In October we have added Aztec shaman Itz Ocelotl, who can enter the spiritual world to become invisible. And recently we have added Scandinavian fighter Eric Thorsson, who can crash upon enemies in a Thunderstrike from the sky.
New weapons

All year long we have studied players’ feedback on our firearms. We have done a lot of tuning to aiming, recoil, movement with weapons. Also we have added a dozen new weapon models, from modern AUG and SCAR-L to interesting World War rifles and shotguns, like PzB, Enfield 1918, Ithaca.
New maps

In the autumn we added the Mexico map - featuring pyramids, large buildings, destructible bridges… And the older Normandy map changed radically after it started snowing there. Both locations can be studied endlessly. If you don't get killed in the process, of course.
Unexpected new game mechanics
Every major update in Cuisine Royale we tried to surprise you with something unexpected. Now you can take the heart of a killed teammate and throw it in the bonfire to resurrect. Or right in the middle of a battle spend some looted gold coins playing slot machine to get some extra loot or stupid death from frag grenades. Or even request an orbital fridge drop with excellent guns supply. Question is, there is no guarantee that you are the one to get to it first to loot it.
Release and new platforms
Last year the game was launched as early beta on PC, but in 2019 also PlayStation 4 and Xbox consoles got access to it. In December the game was officially released for all of them, remaining free to play.
Next year we will keep working hard to improve Cuisine Royale, so stay tuned and follow our news. Also be kind to share all your feedback - it really helps us a lot in our job!