Greed Games
Friends, we continue to introduce you to new features in the Cuisine Royale release version “Weird West: Age of Nagual”. In it, both in Mexico and Normandy you will be able to meet a new kind of bandit. The “one armed” types.
Slot machines — a new way to get useful items. But first you’ll need to find them scattered about the map and actually be able to use one, since your enemies are not going to wait by idly while you play.
Playing one armed bandits in the middle of the battlefield you can win regular or rare weapons, ammo, armour, food, modules and other loot. As long as you can afford to pull that handle. Or as long as you are not shot from behind. But hey, you have a chance to win even something like a Jetpack! Or hit the jackpot - and a pile of gold.
Although, sometimes luck can be tough and instead of a prize you might receive a pack of armed and ticking frag grenades...

Gold Coins — required to play a game and pull the handle. You can not transfer unspent coins between battles, so no reason to save them! And if you kill someone who has already looted them - even better, feel free to grab your golden loot.

Masks — can now give you a bonus to play slot machines or manage your gold. Equip one and get:
- Jackpot increase of 30%, 60% or 100%;
- Game cost decrease of 15%, 20% or 25%;
- Sixth sense, a feeling of where the nearest slot machines are, helps you to find them within 50, 100 or 200 metre radius;
- Sixth sense, a feeling of where the nearest gold coins are, helping you to find them within 10, 30 or 100 metre radius;
- Ability to replace deadly grenades with the jackpot.

Also, the one armed bandits are a nice place to ambush other ludomaniacs. After all, not everyone will live to see their winnings. But we never told you that…
Stay in touch, we’ll have more news about Age of Nagual!